January 31, 2019

Last Updated on January 15, 2024

Batman is the quintessential hero. He puts his life on the line every time he steps out of the Batcave. Because of the risks he takes, and the unique skill set he brings to the table, he gets all the glory and recognition he deserves.

But Batman without his loyal steward Alfred… far less effective. Possibly he’d be no hero at all.  Alfred keeps Batman in check, helps him stay grounded and focused on the mission, and supports him from the shadows.

What Batman and Alfred Reveal about Managing Information Security

Gotham City needs Batman and Alfred to keep its streets free of risk… and your information security team needs them, too. Not in a literal sense, of course—but in terms of key roles that maximize the effectiveness of your cybercrime fighting team.

Batman = Expert

On the cybersecurity front lines, your business needs an expert who can guide strategy and make knowledgeable decisions to drive your information security initiatives. Like Batman, the experts are in the spotlight. His or her decisions are crucial and carry significant risk. Also like Batman, experts are rare people and not easy to find or retain. They are also expensive; and, like Batman, they may be at their most effective when wielding some pretty pricey technology.
Because they are not cheap, you want your experts doing high-level work. Batman serving breakfast or answering the door seems like a waste of talent, and it is. Think of all the crime Gotham would face if Batman spent half his time cleaning Wayne Manor. That’s why Batman needs Alfred…

Alfred = Program Manager

What does an information security program manager do?
While experts take the heat on the front lines, behind the scenes there needs to be a master planner and record-keeper. Like Alfred, program managers keep the experts in check and focused on the mission. And while his skills are diverse and extremely valuable, it would be much easier to replace Alfred than to replace Batman. Program managers cost less to find and retain than experts. Also, they are perfectly suited to complete the tasks that are part of all information security management programs: Keep meeting notes, logging changes and improvements, coordinating calendars, scheduling meetings, maintaining accurate expense records, keeping projects on track, etc.
I think we can all agree Batman needs Alfred and Alfred needs Batman.  Together they are a formidable team.
If you find your information security initiatives lack clear direction, you could be missing your Batman.
If you find you lack execution and follow-through on your information security tasks, you could be missing your Alfred.
At Pivot Point Security, we help fill those gaps in our clients’ information security management programs. Whether you have the expertise and need logistical support, have the support but not the expertise, or need both, we can help you find a staffing solution that keeps your “Gotham City” secure and compliant. Please contact us to discuss your needs.