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Scope – Understand needs and assessment parameters
(1 month to completion)

Use of Existing Certification
Many organizations have some form of information security certification that addresses (but is not focused on) IT & Business Continuity.

Define Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Scope
Logically define the scope of the BCMS to be consistent with initial objectives, efficiency, effectiveness and customer requirements.
This approach optimizes likelihood of the plan’s success (prevents “boil the ocean” exercises).

Pre-Recovery Plan Analysis (for everything included in scope)
(1-3 Months to completion)

Risk Assessment
Determine risk acceptance criteria.
Identify criteria for performing risk assessments.
Ensure repeatable, consistent, valid and comparable results Identify risk owners .
Assess potential consequences that would result if the identified risks were to materialize.
Assess the likelihood of occurrence and determine risk levels.
Determine the most effective, cost efficient and executable risk treatments.
Prioritize the analyzed risks for treatment.

Risk Treatment

Is Implement the risk treatment plan as determined through
the risk assessment.
Ensure retention of the risk treatment results.

Business Impact Analysis
Assess the impacts over time of not performing services/providing products
and assessing acceptable minimum operational levels.
Setting prioritized timeframes for resuming activities at specified minimum acceptable
levels, taking into consideration the time within which the impacts of not resuming
them would become unacceptable.
Identifying dependencies and supporting resources, including suppliers, outsource
partners, single points of failure and other relevant interested parties.

Recovery Strategies
Based on outputs from the Risk Assessment and the BIA.
Strategies for the 5 possible impacts of any disaster.
Ensure protection of prioritized activities and availability of essential resources, critical vendors and critical skill sets.
Ensure stabilizing, continuing and resuming activities along with dependencies and supporting resources.

Recovery Plan Development
Easy to execute procedures.
Effective recovery organization Ensure prioritized recovery.
Implementing approved strategies that fulfill requirements from the BIA.
Ensure client concerns are addressed.
Consistency between team plans.

Integration Bring plan into business operations
(1-12 months to completion)

Exercise the BCMS : (Develop and conduct exercises of the BCMS:)
Table top.
Fail over / Parallel processing.
Disaster Simulation.

Monitor the Environment
Tune the BCMS to facilitate monitoring. (The ongoing monitoring of the BCMS is integral to ISO 22301.)

Develop Continuous Improvement Principles
ISO 22301 mandates continuous improvement plans be developed prior to certification

Certification + Training + Maintenance – Ensure the plan continues to work

Internal BCMS Audit (Pre-Certification)
“Friendly” pre-audit structured in accordance with certification audit. (Tabletop Review then Compliance Review)

Certification Audit 22301
Certification Audit conducted by Certification Body resulting in issuance of ISO 22301 Certificate. HOORAY!

Enact Continuous Improvement Principles
Based on monitoring and testing, evolve the BCMS in a demonstrable manner. (ISO 22301 mandates continuous improvement.)

Surveillance Audit (Year 2 & 3)
Mini-audit conducted by the Certification Body to validate BCMS effectiveness. (BCMS scope extension possible)

Triennial Audit (Year 3 & Every 3rd year)
Re-Certification Audit conducted by Certification Body.